and Welcome to my website :: Senior Designer, GRAPHIC SERVICES © | 2024 ::

August, 2024
@ft7alla Vid & Des Samples | Full Content Creation 2024
August, 2024
Program & Series Identity Samples |🌟هويات برامج وسلاسل
August, 2024
‏جانب من تصاميم وهويات للهيئة العالمية لنصرة النبي ‏ﷺ
April, 2023
Al Jazeera's 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar Coverage
This project showcases some of my daily designs for Al Jazeera's coverage of the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar. As a creative individual with a passion for graphic design, I am dedicated to providing viewers with exceptional visual content that captures the excitement of the world's most popular sporting event. With each new design, I strive to present a unique and dynamic perspective on the latest news and highlights from the tournament. Through my keen attention to detail and commitment to excellence, I am confident that my designs will captivate viewers and leave a lasting impression. Whether you are a football fan or simply appreciate beautiful design, I invite you to explore my Behance project and join me on this exciting journey of creativity and innovation.
August, 2024
جزء من تصاميم وهويات لـ أكاديمية أنصار النبي ﷺ
August, 2024
هوية ‏د. محمد الصغير رئيس الهيئة العالمية لأنصار النبيﷺ
April, 2023
Samples of Al Jazeera Platforms Designs
August, 2024
جانب من تصاميم الهوية لمجلة انصار النبي ﷺ
August, 2024
الهوية البصرية للداعية الدكتور عصام البشير | 2024
August, 2024
The Prophet Supporters identity | 2024
August, 2024
Basirah Visual Identity | 2024 | Part of the Identity
June, 2023
Edu Board Branding & Social Media Designs
April, 2023
من هيئات وجمعيات إسلامية 2023
August, 2019
TOGETHER WE MAKE BEAUTY - معاً نصنع الجمال | FT- 2019
"Together we make a beautiful world" "Together we make beauty" Manipulation project... Ftahallah.design 🎨 | Quote credit and art direction.
July, 2023
LPE 2023
September, 2018
MELIK Derneği Branding - Visual Identity | TR | 2018
Royal Charity. Branding Melik eğitim ve yardimlaşma derneği TANITIM : Türkiye'de sivil toplum kurumlarından biridir (kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluş) Vizyonumuz : Arap halkları ile Türk halkı arasındaki iletişim ve işbirliği köprülerini kültürel, sosyal ve ekonomik kalkınma alanlarında uzatmak.
November, 2018
Arkaan brochure |TR | 2018
تصميم بروشور لمؤسسة أركان بـ اسطنبول تركيا Brochure design :)
September, 2018
Montalaq Forum | TR | 2018
Political Forum in Istanbul. Turkey
November, 2018
Arkaan Folder | Tr | 2018
تصميم فولدر لـ مؤسسة أركان بـ اسطنبول تركيا Folder design :)
August, 2017
Saudi Unaited | Brochure 2017
August, 2018
Arkaan Competition Posters |TR |2018
Quran Competition in Turkey.
August, 2017
Saudi United Co. | Logo 2017
July, 2017
Gergawy Logo | 2017
Logo design
August, 2017
NAECC | Logo 2017
July, 2017
Circels Logo |2016
Languages academy
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